

Organizing Committee:
  • H. LeTreut, LMD, Paris, France
  • F. Vial, LMD, Paris, France
  • C. Mechoso, UCLA, USA
  • C. Deniel, CNES, Paris, France
  • N. Papineau, Météo-France

September 16-17, 2002

CNES Headquarters Paris, France

After the success of the Kiruna campaigns test-flights (winter 2001 and 2002) and a visit to the launching site in McMurdo (Antarctica), CNES and NSF has decided to conduct the VORCORE/STRATEOLE experiment.
Initially scheduled for September and October of 2003, this long duration balloon campaign has been postponed by CNES to 2004 for planning reasons.

From McMurdo , a series of long duration stratospheric balloons will be launched to study the dynamics of the polar vortex at the end of the southern hemisphere winter. Information on this experiment and the STRATEOLE program is available on .

The aim of this workshop is to prepare the VORCORE experiment, correlative measurements and data treatment. Scientific studies related to stratospheric vortex dynamics are welcome.

The VORCORE experiment is supported by CNRS (French research agency), CNES (French space agency) and the US National Science Foundation.

Registration form

Program summary
The VORCORE campaign
Technical aspects and operations
Scientific issues
Results from test flights - Theoretical studies - Correlative measurements - Modelisation - Data assimilation and data policy
Future campaigns using CNES superpressure balloons
Gondola / Balloon system evolution - New sensors - New scientific objectives - Polar or Equatorial campaigns?

Cnes headquarters are located in the center of Paris, close to the "Forum des Halles" and Metro and RER Station "Châtelet les Halles"

Meeting place

Salle de l'Espace
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales
2 place Maurice Quentin
75 039 PARIS CEDEX 01
(and for international callers: +

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Access to CNES headquarters

Hotel adresses and maps of Paris are available on the yellow pages: