Welcome to my webpage

I am a CNRS researcher in mathematics, working at LMD at Ecole Normale Supérieure.
My main research concerns the development of geometric methods for the modeling, the numerical discretization, and the analysis of partial differential equations arising in fluid dynamics and nonlinear elasticity.
I am especially interested in oceanic and atmospheric dynamics, fluid-structure interaction, complex fluids such as liquid crystals, and nonsmooth mechanics.
I consider both reversible and irreversible systems, by studying the effects of the irreversible processes via a new variational formulation for nonequilibrium thermodynamics that I developed in collaboration with Hiroaki Yoshimura.
The tools that I develop and use are issued from differential geometry, symplectic and Poisson geometry, geometric mechanics, Lie group theory, and global analysis.
Short CV
2018 : Habilitation à diriger des recherches - Sorbonne université. Title: Geometric methods in continuum mechanics - discrete and continuous, reversible and irreversible2010- : CNRS
2009-2010 : Postoctoral researcher in Control and Dynamical Systems at Caltech adviser: Prof. J. E. Marsden
2009 : PhD thesis in mathematics at EPFL adviser: Prof. T. S. Ratiu